Voice of Africa Radio Eid Celebrations

If you want to wish somebody “Happy Eid” for Eid ul-Adha this year, the traditional way would be to greet them “Eid Mubarak”. This is also the Arabic phrase used by Muslims during the Eid ul-Fitr celebrations which come earlier in the year.
Eid ul-Adha is the latter of the two Islamic holidays celebrated worldwide each year. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail as an act of obedience to God’s command. Before Ibrahim could sacrifice his son, however, Allah provided a lamb to sacrifice instead

  • Start Date: July 09, 2022
  • Start Time: 07:30
  • Location: Uganda Museum
  • Address: After Mulago Referral Hospital, Plot 5 Old Kira Road, Kitante Cl, Kampala
  • Phone: 0414255921
  • End Date: July 09, 2021
  • End Time: 21:00
  • Website: https://www.voiceofAfricaradio.com
  • Event Type: EID Celebrations
  • Seat No: 550